Pocahontas - Just Around The River Bend

Beautiful animation from Disney. Pocahontas was a real person. She belonged to the Powhatan tribe in Virginia in the late 1500s to the early 1600s. She befriended a man named Captan John Smith and it is said in his journals that she saved him from execution although people speculate that he misunderstood and was not going to be executed but rather welcomed to the tribe. She later married a man name John Rolfe and converted to Christianity and taking upon the name Rebecca Rolfe. She died in England.
Ideální pro děti zazpívat a výslovnost! Bohužel videa pohádek jsou často zdrojem pro vydělávání peněz a dětem volně nejsou na videu dostupné. Kupte si tedy, pokud rodiče mají na to. Nebo Ježíšek? Něco jsem krásného vybral i sem, uvidíme jak dlouho vydrží. Obtížný výběr videa, vrátím se k tomu později...sorry.

Pocahontas - Falling Slowly - Once Soundtrack

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